Thursday, August 27, 2009

What is my Identity..

The Artists Way prompt for the week is "What is your sense of identity?
I definitely know that I am a grandchild of the founder of the town I live in. I am my Fathers child. I am a Daughter, Mother, Grandmother,Greatgrandmother , Sister, Aunt, friend and cat owner, but most of all I am a product of loving union of immigrant Grandparents .

I couldnt realize it more than I did today as I was in the Historic area where a Scifi film is being filmed and chatting here and there questions were asked and I was so proud to say..I am an Exner, my Grandfather was a founder of this town.

He was jeweler, watchmaker, grocery store owner who bartered away his inventory , taught Sunday School in his heavy Czech accent . His first Marriage of convenience was a young widow , pregnant with her 4th child ,who died in childbirth, then married a hard working woman sent to him through his homeland church. raised eight children and they both died longing for Northern Bohemia.

I am my Grandfathers granddaughter.


Grammy said...

That is such a wonderful post. To know your roots so well and so proud of your ancestors. Bravo!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi judi!
i am so happy to meet you! what a wonderful post! thank you for stopping by my blog today!
have a wonderful day!
:) melissa

Caterina Giglio said...

Isn't it wonderful to who who you are and where you came from? Especially as an artist because it is your point of view ...really. It flavors everything we do. great post!

Lisa said...

How neat to be so connected to the place you are. I think it brings such a richness to your experience, and therefore your art of course, to have that rootedness both to place and forbearers. Lovely.

I really love the line about your grandfather's second wife too ... died longing for Northern Bohemia. And then you come along, a Bohemian of another type, after all ....

Loretta said...

Wow, that is just so neat. I love stories like this. I'm currently delving into my past family history on my mom's side; it was 100 years ago this year that they emigrated from Russia, but they are German/Polish, not Russian in the least. I have old photos on my blog if you'd like to come and visit. I add them every Monday.